Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's a MISTAKE?

In the peaceful atmosphere of Sai Baba temple, sat a man in meditation!

Who was he?Where did he come from?Was he here for a reason? 
So many questions!! Here are the answers.
Who was he? – ME!! Where did he come from – JP Nagar 2nd phase!! Was he here for a reason?- Ya, came with family!! Ok Ok Jokes apart :-) as I sat there in silence something funny flashed.

 Here's the Dictionary definition 
 " mis·take - An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness. "

Many Gurus and great Seers who have seen the LIGHT OF LIFE  have said.. Life is a play! Life is a drama! Life is like a movie.. etc etc.. Shakespeare said – All the world’s a stage and we are all actors playing roles! So keeping these in mind now lets see what  MISTAKE MEANS.


Did you hear it right.. MIS AND TAKE.
So picturize this – A Mega blockbuster movie in the making!! You are the Director and Actor. God produces the movie of your LIFE – so let’s keep the producer away for a while :-)
So what does a Director do when the scene he is shooting for a movie goes wrong or is not satisfactory???

 TAKE 1.. TAKE 2… TAKE 3.. AND it goes on till the TAKE is perfect to the Directors satisfaction.. Note that though the Producer is the one who sponsors the whole movie..he does not interfere in the takes. Director(YOU) are fully responsible for whatever happens. Similarly  in our lives when theres a mistake committed by you or anyone else its just that the situation or the TAKE did not turn out the way it should have been. In other words it means "thats not the way to do it!" or " there's a better way to do this"
So it’s a MIS-TAKE.. A TAKE WHICH WENT WRONG! that's all!!

 So instead of complaining and trying to find placeholders and bakras to shift the blame to.. know that the Acting/Directing was not up to the mark. Direct the scene well and RETAKE it to correct the MISTAKE.

May be the MISTAKE isn’t correctable, at least the next scene will be better and your Acting improves and so does your Direction and in the end the PRODUCER – GOD is happy :-)


Why did all this flash in Sai Baba temple?? Well probably because theres a Rajnikanth movie titled BABA, hence I got an analogy based on movie and direction!! :-)
Joy Gurudeva!
Sathya - the Seekers journey continues!

Friday, September 17, 2010


They say – The early bird catches the worm..but in my case, The early bird needs more sleep!!

It Was a pretty early start to my day considering I reached home at 3 am post my late night affairs in office!!I meant the affair with conference calls where we kind of specialize in finding faults with even the most well made presentations!! After a quick download(if you know what I mean :-)) and freshening up I got ready for Daddy’s day in!

NOW PICTURIZE THIS : My darling wife was getting ready had to step out for some work. Me with a glass of raagi in hand and my sleepy eyes half closed like Buddha!! (Just that I was no where even remotely close to Buddha. His look was more ENLIGHTENING – Mine was more like STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!! Reminded me of Tom and Jerry cartoon)

The morning warm-up had begun. My little angel knows his papa is a little overweight in Madhya Pradhesh!( The tummy) and needs some exercising so gives me a run around to drink his glass of raagi. And Suddenly the mummy – baby bond strengthens and he dosn’t want to let go of mummy, me trying to carry him towards me and then the loud shrill!!!! Picturized it? Are you smiling??

 Just when there seemed to be a slight bit of frustration setting in me, suddenly there was an AWAKENING. An inner voice which said – Is it my little one or the situation irritating me or is it THE WAY I CHOSE TO PROCESS THE WHOLE SITUATION IN MY MIND??

All of a sudden there was a calm and I looked at my little angel and there was something beautiful about him that I had not noticed in the past 2 and half years! Don’t know what it is.. but there was something. The fullness in his actions, his expression of love, his innocence. Suddenly a shift happened in me. When I break down this situation into its finer pieces, I see it is just the way one chooses to process an event or a person’s behavior in one’s own mind. The situation was perfect the way it was,there was a sense of urgency at that moment coz the situation demanded it! My little angel was acting just the way he should be. Each one was doing their own role, but the fact that all these happen at the same time makes it look chaotic and pushes the buttons in us.

That was a wonderful moment when Guruji’s message came to mind and I paraphrase – “ Look through my eyes(guru’s eyes), you will not see any fault in this creation. Everything is beautiful just the way it is”. And through the day every moment I spent with my angel, playing his imaginative creative games - my world came to a stand still.

Thanks to my little naughty angel for awakening his sleeping dad! I said a silent prayer – Let this awareness be in my always!
 What a wonderful gift from GOD, every parent should realize that it is not they who teach their children, it is the little one by his own behaviors teaches parents the way to a fuller life!!

More to come soon...

Friday, July 9, 2010

GOD - GURU the relationship.

Most people have a concept in mind about GOD. Is GOD human? Is GOD Male or Female? Has anybody seen GOD?

 When things dont go the way we want it to.. suddenly a question pops up in the mind. Why me? Why is all this happening to me? With the question a doubt comes up.. is there a divine power? Few might say - " GOD does not exist. " All these are the chattering of an ignorant mind.  To pull the mind out of Ignorance one needs a helping hand. Only THE ONE who knows who GOD is.. only THE ONE who has realized the truth can lend a helping hand. Only that hand has the strength to pull you out of Ignorance. Only that hand is loving and caring enough to lead you out of darkness.

GOD is not a concept.. GOD cannot be seen.. GOD is a presence that needs to be felt. More on GOD and GURU.. in later blogs :-) for now read a question posted to my BOSS( I mean Guruji.. there's only one BOSS for me in this life :-) ) and the reply given by him.

Q: Please explain the difference between Guru & God?

Sri Sri: In India, God was not a concept that was somewhere else above in the sky or in the seventh heaven. Here God permeates the whole of creation. God is present in every atom of the Universe. That is why we have the concept of "Nataraja". The dance and the dancer are not separate. You cannot have a dance without a dancer. Similarly there can be no creation without God.God is the basis of all creations. The three qualifications of God are ,God is Sath (Truth), God is Chit (conscious) and God is Ananada (bliss). This is the most scientific definition of God. He is present in every atom everywhere.

God is nothing but love. Where do you see love in life first? In the mother that is why we say "Mathrudevobhava" (Mother is your God) and mother is the first Guru, second comes the father, third the teacher and fourth the guest who comes to your house. The guest is god. Even today in Karnataka, they address the guest as god. They call them " Devarae" and they treat the guests with honor and respect. Guru is the manifestation of love. Guru is absolute love. He does not want anything other than happiness for everybody in the world. Love is God. We are all made up of a substance called love. Don't think God is somewhere else. That is why here we say, see god in the rivers, mountains, Sun, Moon, stones, trees, animals and in people around us. God is in everything and seeing God within you is meditation and seeing God in the person next to you is service. We need both.


WOW what a reply..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Journey has begun!!

Spirituality is saying ‘who am I?’ and science is saying ‘What is this?’ Objective analysis is science and subjective understanding is spirituality. And they go hand in hand. It is said in Bhagvat Gita -Gyan Vigyana triptatma which means you should satisfy yourself through both subjective and scientific knowledge. You will find fulfillment only when both science and spirituality go together
- Sri Sri Ravishankar.

FINALLY!!! After 2 days of intense search, I finally finalized the template for my blog! Scientific Seeker!! Hmm wondering whats with the name?? You'll know soon. Back in school I was probably the worst science student my class has ever seen. I was never interetsed to study about mass!! matter!! atom!! proton!! neutron!! Blah blah blah!! When I saw Einstein's photo.. I wanted to gift him a set of fancy combs!! if he was alive. So much for Physics at school!!

A decade later I find myself reading about the ATOM!! QUANTUM THEORY!!!what Irony!! But this time not for grades but in a quest for the TRUTH. The Universe is governed by certain LAWS. Laws that are undeniable. Every single being on this planet encounters these laws everyday. So whatever I discover, whatever I find fascinating, I will share on this blog.

So here I go, my entry into the blogging world has begun with a quote from my Master.